Sunday, 26 April 2015

A Happy List

So quite a few people whose blogs I follow have posted a list of 50 things which make them happy and so I thought I'd compile one too! This list is just things which fly off the top of my head and therefore random in order and thought!

1.A tidy bedroom
2.Hanging washing on the line.
3.Days when the boys have played out for hours and their faces and knees are filthy.
4. Living somewhere the changes of seasons are obvious and follow a cycle, currently the fields once more are yellow with rape.
5. Lambs
6.Exploring new places.
8. Brilliant charity shop finds.
9. Fresh flowers on my fireplace.
10. Candlelit cozy autumn evenings.
11.Seeing the boys learn new things.
12. Perfectly timed photos which capture a moment or expression.
13. Rereading my blog posts from previous years. it makes me feel pleased that I have made the effort to write the posts.
14. Notes through the post - receiving and sending.
15. New stationary especially coloured pens and notebooks.
16. Finding nice gifts for loved ones or making them and seeing their reaction.
17. Nathan telling me I look great.
18. When my clothes fit that much better.
19. Skipwith Common, especially when you come across the long horned cattle.
20.That feeling at the end of a day when I've accomplished a lot and worked hard.
21. Learning something new and interesting.
22. Talks from general conference which inspire and have something which makes them really memorable.
23. The feeling of warm skin after a day at the beach.
24. The funny things my boys do. When I get in from work and Nathan has put them to bed I always ask 'tell me something funny the boys did'
25.Hearing Seth say new words.
26. Cooking a tasty meal from scratch.
27. My roast potatoes! Because Nathan says they're even better than my Mum's.
28. Our garden.
29. Laughs with good friends.
30. Date nights and especially dates which last a weekend.
31. Looking at maps and making hypothetical plans of places I'd like to visit someday.
32. Freshly waxed eyebrows.
33. Eating things I've grown in the garden.
34. Dresses.
35. Boots in winter
36. Hearing the boys pray.
37. Laughing at the funny things the boys say or do.
38. The way Seth runs.
39. When Ben comes and kisses my head in the morning and gets in for a snuggle.
37. Hearing Joseph read.
38. Days when you ignore the clock, just go with the flow. Rare but sweet.
39. Proper snow days when there is a real covering. You wake up and life takes a different pace. It adds a magic to the air.
40. Walking the children to school across the Garth, I can't think of a nicer more convenient walk to school.
41. Spiritual music which fills the soul.
42. Kind acts.
43. When people are real and open up themselves.
44. The boys getting messy outside.
45. Nathan coming home, Nathan texting or calling during the day.
46. Adding to my spiritual well.
47. Knowing that I can change and making plans to make things better. I am the Captain of my ship.
48. Grandmas I can really chat too.
49. Getting to read decent storybooks to the boys at bedtime. 
50. Kissing.

The 52 Project 17/52

We got to the temple - yeh! I love how the boys particularly Ben  at the moment get so excited to go. It's especially sweet as the reality is they get to go and sit in the distribution centre for 2 and a half hours whilst Mum or Dad go inside!
Then Mum makes them have a few photos in front of the temple which quite honestly they could do without doing but she cannot!


This is the best family one we got haha! 

The Webbs were there too and made great companions for the boys. It's so much easier when there are playmates around and as a group they attracted other children also trapped in the confinements of the distribution lounge!

We also had the pleasure of lovely Louise's company. She is truly good and without guile as described in a talk this past conference.
On the way home I popped in to see Grandma who has been really sick this week. It was nice to just spend a few moments with her. I love that they moved to Chorley so that we can just bob in to see them when we go to the temple. It's totally a blessing of temple attendance for me.
When we arrived home we all snuggled on the sofa and watch Midnight at the Museum 3, then Nathan went out with some fellow Peter pan types to watch the new Avengers film. A lovely day. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Insta update #3 Early Spring ed.

Busy for the day snuggling this bundle. Controlled the impulse to wake the three of them up when we arrived home at 11pm. By 4am all three were in our bed, pretty sweet until Seth was sick! Not quite the welcome home we expected though glad I am here to sort it out #jobsonhold #marjoriesaystolaugh #parissanschildren

Ben was quite excited by the title of his new reading book. #unclesarebrilltoo 

Worst eclispe photo ever!

The only perk of the car needing to go into the garage is the courtesy car #dadwantstobeaboyracer!

Sleeping on the job. #playisakidswork

Parent's evening went well treat!

First trip to the bike park 2015. Ben about to descend the ramp told me 'Now this is what I call speed rush!' #needsabiggerbike #needsabiggerhelmet #whatadifferencesixmonthsmakes

Perfect remedy to any of life's fixes is kissing these cheeks. #grateful

Easter trip to Thornton in Craven Farm park with Grandma and Grandad.

Celebrating the first spontaneous picnic of 2015!
#lovingthesunshine #lovemyboys

'Hey ladies, look what I can do!' yelled the five year old from the top of the climbing frame to the two girls on the see-saw.
You can imagine my relief to find out it was Peter Parker aka Spider-man and not my Ben hollowing the ladeez! #boyanswerstopeter #lockupyourgirlsup

The multitasking gene is strong with this boy. #getsitfromhismum

I love listening to him read. he read me the Tiger who came for tea as we waited in the Dr's waiting room.

What this photo does not show you is the stopping every 20 seconds and the paddy which ensued because the boys must race everywhere and someone therefore loses. Other than that, our first ever 'everyone is on wheels of some sort' ride was pretty fun! #mcneeadventures 

Joseph honing his somersault skills

Anything you can do son..

Bumped into some year 7 girls the boys knew from school. it made for one extremely relaxing visit to the bike park for me! #needtogettheboysapairofoldersisters #mcneeadventures

'No room at the inn tonight love' #needabiggerbed #lovemyboys 

Some good guys and one 'good bad guy' ( you know a good bad guy is like Wreck it Ralph) hanging out in the trees. #cousintimeisbest #mcneeadventures

Sometimes play is work! #thirdchildproblems

Joseph's roman chariot.

Felling blessed today as I have watched the boys play out all day in the garden. Grateful for their strong, healthy bodies and their innate dispostion to be happy. though they are far from perfectly behaved, in no one else's company do I feel more that I am in the presence of heavenly beings than when I am in their's. #lovemyboys #becausehelives #heishere 

The minis were pretty pleased with their duck feeding efforts. #fairburn

Joseph told me he was too old to feed the ducks and then went and sat in his brother's trike! Made me smile! 

The maxis!

Pond dipping-  Ben was after a squid, Joseph a crocodile! One dip  in and they were thoroughly disappointed with their findings! #mcneeadventures

Pond dipping with toddlers could be up there with taking them to funerals!

Hair of gold.

Last match of their first season huddle. #boydoesnotliketobesubbed #captainforthematch

Safest place in the world.

Speed demon riding a Victoria Pendleton vontage bike with toddler in child seat captured on camera, racing young child on bike around Cawood Garth! Pedestrians beware! #wobblyashewent #getyerownbike #sethlovesspeed 

Err Mummy, what do you mean they're going to chop my hair off? #expressionsaysitall #firsttriptothehairdressers

This trip to the hairdressers was sponsored by Haribo and a charity shop car! To be fair he was brilliant and I wondered why I had put off taking him for so long.
 #firsttriptothehairdressers #mumsurvivedtoo #triptoaldiafterwaspainful

When the boys run ahead to get changed for their swimming lessons... #homefromhome #wonderwhyhisglassesbreaksooften

'MUM! Wipes!!'  #understatementoftheyear #nevertrustaquiettoddler #whilstimsortinglaundryupstairshesmakingmoredownstairs #keepsagirlinwork

This is my morning face.
#dadsgotplantyofroom #iwouldntswap #dontmovethebabyorhellscream 

Ben kindly gave his dad the biggest star war's blaster he found so they could play Sta Wars together at Nostell Priory. #joysofbeingadadofboys #bigkidgetstoplaylikeakid #howmanytimeshashewatchedthenewtraileralready

Easter chicks. The boys have the best Great Grandma.

Spring is springing! Love it! Love the feeling that there are plenty of good memories that will be made in the garden the months to come. #simplepleasures 

I never get enough of watching them sleep.

The 52 project 16/52

Finally we went and joined The National Trust! I am so looking forward to maxing out our membership. Saturday afternoon, we spent a lovely few hours at Nostell Priory. Football on the fields, ice cream (though never buying a bubblegum calippo again!) and a fab adventure playground with plenty of sticks to make Star War's blasters made for a lovely time. Next time we'll take the bikes.

Garden family ticket normally £17.50
Parking £3.00