Just back from a great week in Norfolk. We'll definitely be back. the coast on the north is so beautiful and it's only 3 and a half hours drive away. It seems like we've been so blessed with a fun packed summer that the boys are actually craving some down time. They're are some loud but mild protests when we say we're going out to a park or the beach 'What AGAIN?!'
On the Wednesday evening of the holiday, Nathan and I drove home; leaving the boys in the capable, though by the end, tired hands of Grandma and Grandad. Nathan was needed and wanted to do some important Bishop duty to conduct and speak at dear Kath's funeral. It was only on the ride home that the sadness of her passing sunk in as for the five days since her moving on the feeling had been one of relief. Her body was clinging on as her body was well ready to go. I wondered why she had to wait those extra weeks. I think there are a few reasons to draw - she needed to get to a point she wanted to go, Dennis needed to get to that point to, where he wanted her to be released though he will miss her desperately and I think another reason is so that there was time for so many people to serve them as a couple and be demonstrative of their love for them. The funeral was lovely. Lots of people were there. she was the eldest of 11 children and had a large family but she was also such a lovely friend to many. Nathan mentioned her love to serve other people, she was truly good and without guile. he spoke so well covering the basic principles of belief that we have about the plan of salvation which covers where Kath has moved onto now.
Some of the thoughts I will hold dear bout Kath are - she was quick to compliment - tell you you looked great, gave a lovely talk or lesson,
her stew
she was a fab Sunday school Class president when I was the teacher, always had a positive introduction or summarising comment.
she spoke to everyone, looked out for the ones who needed that extra attention.
loved her style, always looked just so and had a love of the red lippy like me!
loved a charity shop find, a car boot find or a good ol jumble sale find!
went to every church meeting she could and would always say how marvelous and uplifting it had been.
her desire to do some good in the world 'Dennis, come on we're going to do some good in the world'
Nathan used a quote by Gordon B Hinckley in his talk - 'I have found that the happiest people are those who lose themselves in the service of others.'
I think Kath was a case in point of this. I will miss her but feel a peace that I will see my friend again some day.
When we returned to Norfolk to meet up with the boys, Grandma reported that Ben had been a missionary!
A girl had taken a shine to him at the play centre and asked him to be her boyfriend!! This is how the conversation went between Joseph and Ben recounting the event.
J: So she asked you to be her boyfriend, what did you say?
B: I said 'Do you go to church and believe in God. She said 'No' so I said 'No way!!'
J: You should have said 'No thank you!'....Did she cry?
B: Like a baby!
I think/hope the last statement was for dramatic effect??!!!