Thursday 8th June - The girls broke free for a morning of culture and quiet at Belton Park.
Bleton House or aka The home of Lady Catherine de Burgh's in Pride and Prejudice
The tour around the servants quarters downstairs was really interesting led by a great guide (Mr Grice) . I think we all agreed that the role of Housekeeper would have been the role for us if we had to be amongst the worker's ranks. The poor scullery maid with her 5:30am rise, 18 hour working day; washing pots; lighting the kitchen fires; mopping floors and lots more washing up sounded like too much hard work. The reality of one day off a year 'Mothering Sunday' to go and see their mums, actually brought tears to the eyes of some in the group. These workers were in fact the lucky ones of the lower classes having a roof over their head, clothes, warm meals, medical attention and a salary. It made me want to go and grab a book and read more about it.
We had lunch in the Tearoom and got more bargains in the secondhand bookshop. Then went for the tour around the upper floors of the house. What a stark contrast! Total opulance. I made a few gaffs, walking beyond the barrier in the chapel (mildly chastised), allowing my flash on my camera (got away with it) and touching the wallpaper (mildly chastised).
Nathan and my boys arrived to check out the amazing adventure playground which went on and on with each slide bigger than the last - but non were too big to be tackled by our action men - Jack followed their lead and at 21 months conquered the helter skelter slide. It really was huge!
After another lovely day, Nathan and I cooked up a mexican feast.
Stuffed and extremely dirty the three boys got a well needed bath.
Jack making sure Joseph has washed his nose properly!
Then freshly clean and in pyjamas, Granne and Grandad did a family home evening on 'loving our family'. We sang 'I love mummy, she loves me etc' with many verses to include all the different members of our family. Emily sat on Granne's knee with pictures she'd drawn for each verse ( Joseph had shown little interest) When we got to the verse with sisters and brothers, she had a mini protest ' I don't like brothers, I don't want to sing that one!' Apparently she'd refused to draw the picture for brothers too and so Jack had helped out!!!
The boys went to bed well. I headed downstairs guessed it - some more knitting. Having cast on, I knitted a few rows, dropped a few stitches, decided I couldn't concentrate and started a head warmer instaed with only 10 stitches in a row. The knitting plan for the holiday really didn't go as planned!