Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas making

Lorraine Pascale's Brown Sugar, Marshmallow, Chocolate Fudge (recipe here) in Christmas cookie cutter  (idea from pintrest here) - teacher gifts

Jamie Oliver's Epic Hot Chocolate mix  (recipe here) with chocolate fudge 

A bought magnetic noticeboard and made button magnets to match the decor of her bedroom, for Alice. 

Dotty infinity scarf (tutorial found here)- also for  Aunty Alice

Had to bribe Joseph to model the doll/bear carrier I made for Emily as you can see he was thrilled :)I used the pattern from the  amazing Oliver & S book.

My favourite make of the year were these cute bear hats also from the Oliver & S book. I made 4. One for Isabelle in a cream fleece with floral lining. A brown one for Jack made from one of Nathan's old jumpers lined with fabric from a stripey top and two from a £4 wool jumper which I felted and have enough fabric left to make two sets of mittens and a pair of wrist warmers for me.

So far, I have only managed to get Ben to wear it when he was asleep .

Christmas tree decorations made from grandkid's hand prints in salt dough - I think they ended up looking a little like doves too.

A happy hedgehog softee using the pattern from See Kate Sew  (found here )for Charlie. (Fabric from a thrifted £1 shirt :)) I added two little bells inside from Grandma Josie.

I also made 2 sets of the 12 days of Christmas garland I do each year for our parents (one photo to open each day of the grandchildren leading up to christmas, which I then make into a calender for the year ahead) and three photo calenders for the great grandparents.

And I still have Sarah's Christmas garland to finish and a belated birthday bag for Gemma - glad I have understanding sister in laws!!

O come little children.

Today we're having a slob day - I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this day. We have no plans, we aint going nowhere, we aint getting the kids dressed, we are going to eat easy ( so far the boys have had a breakfast of smarties )and we will watch as much TV as we please - no guilt, none :)

It's 10:26 we're still in bed, Nathan is sleeping and I'm going to do some catch up posts. The first being Joseph's Christmas show with Nursery, back on the 8th.

 The Nursery performed a selection of Christmas songs and poems. One of the things I like about Joseph's school is that it's a church school, so doesn't have to shy away from celebrating the real meaning of Christmas. During the show there was a mix of carols and Christmas songs.

One thing to note is that Joseph had to  be on the end of a row close to Miss Taylor - I wonder why :) 

However, they needn't have worried, our boy did us more than proud he sang with real gusto, loud and clear. At times he couldn't contain his energy and just wanted to dance, which he did. During When Santa got stuck up the chimmney when everyone else had sung 'atchoo, atchoo, atchoo' Joseph carried on solo    ' when Santa got stuck up the chimmney, he began to shout' which drew a chuckle from the audience and tear of laughter from our eyes.

I loved the way he was really concentrating when singing the 'lullala' song 

 It's amazing what things they learn from songs. Now when Joseph has food which is too hot, he describes it as 'steaming hot' because they sang a song about Christmas pudding which was steaming hot. When you ask him where Jesus was born he will answer in 'Bethlehem's stall'

As soon as the performance was finished that piece of tinsel was off his head and handed to Miss Taylor!!

An angel in the making :)

They finished the show with this poem:

O come little children, o come one and all
O come to the manger, in Bethlehem's stall
And see what our Father on this holy night
Has sent us from heaven, for our pure delight

I'm looking forward to next year to see him in his nativity :) However, next year Ben will be involved in the nursery performance and I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

This is why I blog... #3

Today we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original - the best version),Joseph misheard Willy Wonka's name and instead asked:

Is that Filly Fonka? 
Daddy, is that Filly Fonka?

lol :)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Joseph's prayers

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for the potatoes, crisps, lettuce, cheese, tuna, beans and what's that corn?
Thank you for the corn, please bless it. In the name of Jesus Christ

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for the cereal, milk and a spoon and a bowl.
Please bless it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Bishop Goring whose advice was to be specific in prayer would be very pleased :)

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Mum gets camera happy again :)

While we were getting the bathroom refitted, the boys and I went to stay at  Mum and Dad's. We had a nice time. The boys loved playing in the garden and with all their toys. I loved the colour of the leaves fallen from the large cheery tree at the bottom of the garden and went on a mission to get some nice photos of my two little men. Joseph was particularly obliging though by the end was a little sick of posing. Ben just wasn't that obliging though I still managed to get some lovely ones of him too!!!

This one made me laugh

Whoever though it was a good idea to say 'cheese' when having a photo taken??

Ben squealed with delight on the swing

There is nothing nicer than seeing the two of them having fun together

Photo dump

Ben crept into bed with Joseph - cute 

The grandsons - we had a lovely day with Jack, Charlie and Aunty Gemma. We went to the park, played cars, made hand print decorations and had a lovely tea too.

Joseph loved having cuddles with Charlie

He has told me on more than one occasion recently that he wants me to have a girl and then a boy..

.. and then another boy lol!!

Jack knew he was being funny by sitting on Ben's knee

 Love how the have the same expression when watching TV!

Cheeky, cheeky boys

Watching Cars 2 with Daddy

How lovely is my boy? He truly looks like an angel when he's sleeping x

Sometimes I have to wonder...

Having seen a fab idea to make christmas tree decorations of the boy's hands, on pintrest (oh how I love thee) I set about making some salt douhg. Joseph liked to help with the measuring and the mixing and both he and Ben were pretty helpful when it came to the kneading, using it like playdoh. Whilst they moulded it into various shapes, I decided to start washing up only to turn around and find this -

Yep Ben had found the flour! Then as I went to get the brush, he was at the sink bringing water into the mix - nice!

The craft session ended with him looking like this -

Nana turned 70

 Nana turned 70 so we travelled up to Billingham for a surprise party. She loved it and it was really nice to spend time with Nathan's side of the family, of course the boys were very entertaining and Pe-Po joined in on the act, going crazy over the balloons hanging on the washing line.

Our boys are lucky to have such a young Great Grandma

Hanging out with Uncle Josh

Pure cheek!

Ben delighted at the selection of cakes and got stuck in. He particularly like the pink iced beads around the top of the main birthday cake.

Monday, 7 November 2011

This is why I blog #2

Joseph: I like Jack's baby, let's borrow her'

Autumnal love

Saturday  night we took the boys down to the bonfire by the river with the Wilsons and Grays. Joseph wanted to go on his hobby horse and pretend to be Mike the Knight, I was really tempted to let him as he looked so cute, sense prevailed and the horse stayed to protect the home! Joseph was a little wary of the fireworks and found comfort under the table 

Ben was less concerned, just very wriggley - and as soon as we got him into bed he fell fast asleep.

On Sunday, the sun was shining though there was a definite chill in the air. We actually got home in a fit enough state to say 'Lets go on a walk' We went to Skipwith Common. I just love it there and at this time of the year it was like sensory overload, with all the different colours.

The long horned cattle just ambling up the path, free to roam wherever they please - another reason why I love Skipwith

Ben just happy to be taken for the ride and eat the leftover parkin from bonfire night (wellies kept falling off so in the basket!)

 Being outside and surronded by such beauty does wonders for my soul. As I drove through the lane between Wheldrake and Thorngaby on saturday morning the colours again overwhelmed me and I could help but begin to sing 'For the beauty of the earth' I just felt so blessed. Blessed to be alive, blessed to have my beautiful boys and blessed to have a supportive, loving, kind husband. I need to be more grateful and enjoy more of the things in life which are free and worry a lot less about the things which aren't. 

A weekend of Autumnal love.