Monday, 25 February 2013

Progression of a smile

Seth's first photograph where he's smiling.

He's been smiling since he was five weeks old and cooing too.
We love to coo at him and then wait for his reply.
Lots of conversations in our house go like this;
Joseph is a good coo-er. It's so lovely to see him take care of his baby brother. When Seth cries, Joseph will go and 'coo' at him and try make him feel better. 


'Hear ye, Hear ye
Let it be known that on the twenty-fourth day of the second month in the year two thousand and thirteen after our Lord, Master Seth Peter Simon McNee was put to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and did not stir until half past six the following morning when he was woken by his mother.
Let this be known
Hear ye Hear ye'


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Why I blog #12

Big brothers say lovely things like  -

You are just the cutest baby in the world
Baby Seth is so coot
When you're big I'm going to show you how to play Star wars lego
You're just so lovely
I love baby Seth
I just love him so much
Can I see his face?
I just want to kiss him

EDIT 14/2 - If people say they don't think you're lovely, they'll go to prison.

Monday, 11 February 2013

New hobby

..taking photos of our newest addition

Seth meets the Greats

When you were two weeks old we took you to met 'The Greats' more commonly known as Grandma Josie, Grandad Derek and Grandma Hillary.
They said you were wonderful, so handsome, just perfect. They marveled at your strength, your strong little neck, they were shocked as you turned your head to face Joseph when he spoke to you.
'You're not supposed to be able to do that!' They said.
They thought you looked just like Joseph did when he was a baby. 
They loved to see you pull funny little faces and listen to your cute panty breathing. 
Oh yes my boy you were a big hit.

Grandma Josie brought you more blankets that she'd made. She's already given the fabulous stripy blanket she'd knitted, the one that gets comments every time we use it. It's bespoke and no one else has one just like it. Grandma Hillary had already given you a little coat and a blanket but she also slipped some money into my hand to buy you something else  you may need as you get a bit bigger. Grandad Derek bought you a Peter rabbit, he though it quite appropriate as your middle name is Peter.

Seth I hope you get to spend more time with the Greats. We're really blessed to still have them with us but not only for that reason. We're really blessed because they are truly Great people and your mummy loves them a great amount.

The school run

I love our walk to school. I love that on it we can see the seasons change. The sheep are back on the Garth and will soon be gone again to lamb. The ducks are presently absent from the dyke and will return again in a few weeks with their ducklings.  From Sept to the middle of November the boys will ask me to pick them blackberries 'just two' as we pass the brambles. In the summer months, Joseph will walk the D shaped grassy path which is trimmed around the field as I stick to the normal path, we'll race to see who makes it to the bench first. And it doesn't 'arf' look nice in the snow.