Monday, 9 April 2012

RS Meeting - Being a temple loving people

Last Thursday we held a RS meeting focusing on being a temple-loving people. It was a really lovely night and worth all the wood-dying, painting, repainting, sanding, cutting and photo editing and re- editing. I actually really enjoyed all the prep and was really pleased with how the finished pieces turned out. As well as the temple art section we heard from Kath, Jenny, Teresa and Ann and their love of the temple for various reasons. Next month we have a temple trip booked :)

On the night Mayan had set up an amazing table display - it looked fantastic and I had great pictures to share however for some random reason there are not there anymore - gutted. The ones with Sharne posing have also gone too :( 

So here are just some I was able to take at home. The original idea for the art is from here and the photos which I used to edit are from 'The idea door' website found here. 

Each sister chose the temple she wanted, a colour choice and then a quote. I had a lot of fun using Piknik to create them all their personalised photos.

Some of the chosen quotes were-

Together Forever

Familes can be together forever

Whatsoever shall be sealed on Earth shall be sealed in Heaven (with their sealing date)

Never fear, God is always near

I feel my Saviour's love

Families are Forever

Steadfast in hope

You are never lost when you can see the temple

I chose - Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven

Hooray I found the photos :) I'd randomly saved them to a separate memory on my camera. They're a little blurry but still they're not lost.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job, these are really pretty!

