Thursday, 19 April 2012

catching up

Going back to Good Friday - I know I'm totally jumbled up chronologically!? 

Anyway, Joseph and Nathan went for a dad n son trip to..... B&Q of all places ( and then to make up for it to a traditional sweet shop for loads of sweets) for our mum n son trip Ben and I lucked out as he'd been invited to Ethan's birthday, messy play bash.

They got to decorate cupcakes dino style with green buttercream and sweets for scales. Ben loved the buttercream - good job Andy:)

Then there was painting

I love the look of concentration on his face totally inherited from his dad :)

jack got totally into the painting session (love Izzy's expression)

.. yep quite literally :)

Love this photo of two little buddies.

Here's Ben modelling the superhero mask  (upside down)
and cuffs we gave Ethan 

Rhiannon is sooooooo clever and made these amazing dinosaur tails for the boys to take home. Ben was very pleased and Joseph probably slightly even more so when he saw it at home.


  1. Ethan LOVES when Ben comes over! The photos look great. Thanks for putting them up :) Thanks for coming!

  2. Aw! So much fun!!!
