I cannot believe it is nearly hallowen and I still have got the rest of our holiday to write up about. I am so glad I take so many photos to remind of the things we got to do together.
The day after we returned from our holiday we had a get together as Uncle Richard and Aunty Ashley were over. We went to Riccall Park, the kids played, we hung out, Joseph got stung by a wasp, Nathan bought ice lollies then we went back to ours and had Mr C's fish and chips.
We the had a spontaneous visit for a few days from Lynne and Charlie - some of our faves!! Late nights chats, a visit to Beth in Huddersfield, a thoroughly cleaned kitchen!! You know you must be great pals when your friend comes and you sit there, as she jifs your sink and wipes down your tile,s without being offended one bit!
We also got to have a catch up with Craig, Frances and the gang who were over for the summer from their first year in China!.
I love this photo. Baby bro wants to do whatever big bro and biggest bro do. He is the cutest thing on legs and a total liability! He finds scissors and knives fascinating, he loves to play with dis guarded
jars in the recycling bin, climbs on everything, walks up the slide in the garden, climbs onto the windowsill and tries the window handles to make sure they're locked - they're locked!
I love to see year on year how these boys of mine are growing up. Ben and Joseph both enjoyed jumping onto and slide down the fireman's pole at the Wistow lane Park.
Seth loved the rope swing! This photo prompted me to attempt to chop his hair - what a faff. A case of grab some hair and snip before he turns away.
I had a lovely day at the temple with these lovely sisters.
Pizza in the woods with the added bonus of mud heaps as they do some revamping of the access.
We took the boys to the Dinosaur expo at the Royal Armouries. We went late in the day, so it was pleasantly quiet and we could take our time looking at the life like robotic models and find the answers to the quiz.
Hold an owl or two.
Time for some 'extreme reading'