The ward party this year was 'A night in Bethlehem'
It was a lovely night simple in format - come dressed as a Bethlehemite, sign the census, trade coins for food at the food stalls, mingle and chat with one another, play the dreidel game for chocolate if you like and then enjoy some time for reflection whilst watching the nativity and singing some carols.
The organisation of it was also fairly simple in the end, from my point of view. My task was to find the best people to do a great job in their given area. Everyone fulfilled their task and it was great to see how working together we can put on a really lovely event, which seemed to be really enjoyed. Also the 6pm start meant that even those who stayed to tidy up ( and there was actually quite a lot ) left the chapel at 9:15pm - happy days :)
Mayan and Becky did a great job of creating the market stall scene. The children loved the driedel game, Joseph made a cute shepherd and we took along to Bethlehem our own thumb sucking cow :)
Baby Simon played the perfect baby Jesus - no crying did he make (unlike the baby Jesus Nathan and I provided five years ago for the RS nativity - that baby Jesus was in no mood to be put in a manger and let everyone know it) I think mum and dad were really quite proud. Nathan enjoyed being a wise man from the East :)