Monday, 31 December 2012

Highlight of 2012

2012 - it's been a great year for our family. Many happy memories of the big and small things that have happened but the ultimate highlight of the year just pipped in right at the end with the arrival of our beautiful baby boy -

 Seth Peter Simon McNee

Born 1:10 am 29th December 2012

8lb 9ozs of the purest loveliness 

We're all totally smitten by him.

Looking forward to 2013 now as a family of five.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012


The Book of Mormon is full of examples I can relate too. Numerous times where God's people were slow to remember how they had recieved blessings from his hand.

 Yea, how quick to be lifted up in apride; yea, how quick tobboast, and do all manner of that which is iniquity; and how slow are they to remember the Lord their God, and to give ear unto his counsels, yea, how slow to cwalk in wisdom’s paths!
In recent weeks we've had a few setbacks namely a momentary lapse of sense which led to one car door being totally crumpled and in need of replacement, days later the dryer decided to give up the ghost. These mishaps alongside the normal business of life, Nathan having another slow month at work, lots of church work, getting ready for Christmas and our imminent arrival of our new baby - I have to confess there have been times I've murmured and even inwardly  exclaimed 'where are the open windows of heaven?' I know - embarrassing when my trials are so insignificant to those faced by others. Which is why I feel I need to write this down so that I am not slow to remember that the windows of heaven have been very much open and we have been blessed so much in these past few weeks.
We've had friends randomly ring up and say they've made us tea and would like to bring it round, friends lend us their car whilst ours was getting fixed; friends who will watch the boys so I can do a quick shop, friends who offer to go and collect the new dryer, home teachers turn up unannounced just at the right time to help Nathan install the dryer, Friends invite us round for dinner, envelopes through the door, family at the end of the phone ready to help. Yes the windows of Heaven have been very much open, I know our prayers have been heard, promptings have been followed and I feel very much blessed.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

A night in Bethlehem

The ward party this year was 'A night in Bethlehem' 
It was a lovely night simple in format - come dressed as a Bethlehemite, sign the census, trade coins for food at the food stalls, mingle and chat with one another, play the dreidel game for chocolate if you like and then enjoy some time for reflection whilst watching the nativity and singing some carols. 
The organisation of it was also fairly simple in the end, from my point of view. My task was to find the best people to do a great job in their given area. Everyone fulfilled their task and it was great to see how working together we can put on a really lovely event, which seemed to be really enjoyed. Also the 6pm start meant that even those who stayed to tidy up ( and there was actually quite a lot ) left the chapel at 9:15pm - happy days :)
 Mayan and Becky did a great job of creating the market stall scene. The children loved the driedel game, Joseph made a cute shepherd and we took along to Bethlehem our own thumb sucking cow :)
Baby Simon played the perfect baby Jesus - no crying did he make (unlike the baby Jesus Nathan and I provided five years ago for the RS nativity - that baby Jesus was in no mood to be put in a manger and let everyone know it) I think mum and dad were really quite proud. Nathan enjoyed being a wise man from the East :)

Christmas cookie jars

Teacher Christmas gifts this year were jars with Christmas cookie mix. 
Wrapped in hand stamped bags the boys decorated. 
So proud that Joseph can now write his own name and insists on writing the full version :)

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The cutest cow in town

Ben's nursery nativity was fab. He made the cutest cow. A momentary sucking of the thumb was expected but fleeting, like he knew he shouldn't really. I loved him singing ' Mary had a baby, yes Lord' he bobbed his head up and down and over pronunciated  'lord' and 'straw' - so cute I couldn't help but giggle. They did really well. Watching your children in school productions - priceless.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The boy does NOT like fruit

'I don't like fruit
I not like fruit
I like porridge


12 days of Christmas 2012

A tradition I've done for a few years now is a 12 days of Christmas for the Grandparents - one photo each day in the run up to Christmas. These photos then are used to create a calender for the year ahead.
This year's version is a waiting the 12th photo - hopefully baby will be here by the 24th.

12 Days of Christmas - Hillary version

12 days of Christmas - McNee version

The boy's a singer

Joseph loves to sing. He sings loud and clear with gusto and indeed feeling. Today was his school Christmas performance - The Supersonic lamb. It was great to see him amidst the KS1 group and though at times  I couldn't see him, I could hear him. Some fab moments - the light hitting his hair making him look like a little angel, his need to keep standing up to wave at me,  a small tumble whilst doing his dance routine (he wasn't allowed to boogie) Ngaika obviously being annoyed by a wedgy whilst doing the dancing star routine. Looking forward to Ben's on Thursday.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Bay Leaf Wreath

Using the tutorial from Make it Love it; a polystrene ring; bay leaves from a bush in the garden; a glue gun; a wooden decoration and some ribbon also from Carol's country baskets haul, I came up with this whilst Ben was at nursery this morning.
 Traditional nesting urges to dust, deep clean are also in full swing alongside this strong urge to deck the halls :)

Christmas Tree Garland

Had some creative fun choosing the fabric from my stash to make this Christmas tree garland. Carol gave me the wooden hearts and stars, from the haul she bought at Country Baskets. I have to say  looking at this hanging across the kitchen wall pleases me :)