Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Joseph's bike

I love Joseph's bike. It has made the journey to school much more fun and without whines. We no longer have the debate about which way to go. We can always go the most direct way, over the bridge, past the ducks and onto the nice smooth path because it's great for his bike! It makes the trip home, also much more fun, no whines, no debates just the smooth path, past the ducks, over the bridge and home. The blackberries are still appearing so we have the ritual stop to and from school for 'just two' blackberries, Ben insists he wants one as well, he only gets one as he more often than not spits it back out. I love to see Joseph scooting along and putting his feet on the little ledge and balancing. 

The best thing about Joseph's bike is the adventures we've been on so far, with it. The other week we went to Skipwith Common, why do we not go there more often??? I love it, besides the awful smell of chicken poop in the carpark, the place is amazing. We took the bike, I tried to get Ben to walk but he was not happy about it at all and kept wailing, arm reaching outwards to be carried, I obliged as much as I could manage.( I think with him being the second child and  my need to have one strapped up, I've made him a little lazy.) The trees were turning, we found  the hebridian sheep and then as we went deeper into the forest we found this ...

 so of course the boys got stuck into the dirt track and did some of this ...

and this...

and ended up looking like this...

Ben looking like a member of  'Kiss'

and just to add to the Rockstar look, let's pinch Mummy's glasses!!

After a great time we headed back up the long path, Ben began to whine for a carry again, my mind became slightly over animated and highly suspicious of a parked car (I text Nathan the registration number just in case we went missing??!) Anyway it was a lovely afternoon, enhanced by the presence of Joseph's bike. I look forward to all the adventures we'll have together.

(A few days later we went to the Drax Nature trail - most remember to post about this too sometime)

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